Your Tarot Constellation
Did you know that you have not only a Tarot Arcana which corresponds to your personality, but also a Constellation of cards that together can be the starting point for your work of self-observation and self-knowledge? Your Tarot Constellation will, (based on calculations made from your birth date), reveal to you:
• Your Personality Arcana: Meaning the face you show to society, your "business card" so to say.
• Your Soul Arcana: Your essence, your inner truth and potential.
• Your Hidden Factor: the part of your being which you’re not always comfortable with, or even in acknowledging is inside of yourself. But the moment you start to do so, and learn to understand why it's there, its reasoning for being a part of you, you too will grow as a person, taking advantage of this potential strength of yours.
Your Arcana Teacher: The one who will clarify what you should look at within your personality, and develop in order to try and achieve a greater balance of your characteristics and consequently your emotions.
The Cards of Lessons and Opportunities: These are the Tarot Minor Arcana cards, which will define what kind of situations and experiences that may lead you to the necessary learning for self growth and expression of your purposes.
In short, this therapeutic reading aims to answer the questions that tend to repeatedly come back to your mind, like:
‘Why is this always happening to me?’
‘Why do I keep repeating the same behaviors and getting myself into the same situations?’
‘What else can I learn about myself right now?’
And ‘How can I learn more about how to interact better with the world around me?’
This Tarot reading can be a great facilitator in helping the process of self observation, self-knowledge and therapeutic learning. It can bring the clarification you are seeking about yourself and your place in the world.
- 1h30 with day and time scheduled at your convenience.
- Live via Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp.
- € 75
- The appointment will be scheduled after payment confirmation.
- Contact me filling out the form below for payment options
- O áudio com o relatório da sua leitura será enviado em 48 horas (dias úteis), para que você possa ouvir sempre que quiser.
- R$ 300,00 / *R$ 330,00 para cartão de crédito
- Pagamento por Pix, depósito bancário, boleto ou *cartão de crédito com acréscimo.
- Preencha o formulário abaixo que entrarei em contato com todas as informações de pagamento.