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Tarot Counselor

Emotional and Mental Health Balance
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Endorsed Member of The Tarot Association of The British Isles
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Tarot Counselor

Emotional and Mental Health Balance.
Endorsed Member of The Tarot Association of The British Isles

Petit Lenormand – The differences between European and Brazilian schools

Did you know that Petit Lenormand Cards in Brazil have a whole set of different meanings for their cards?

This incredible oracle, which main characteristic is to portray, speak and predict everyday events, had since the 19th century, the rich Brazilian culture inserted in its symbols.

How did this difference happen?

The Lenormand deck originated from a very popular board game in Germany called “The Game of Hope” created by Johan Kaspar Hechtel in 1799. According to some authors, the French publisher Grimaud published in 1840 a deck based on the “Game of Hope” and named him “Petit Lenormand”. Other authors mention that the German publisher J. F. Reiff was responsible in 1846 for the reprint of the “Game of Hope”, now under the name of Mlle Lenormand. Up until now, no researcher has demonstrated evidence of why this deck in Brazil adopted the name of “Gipsy Cards” and why some cards have their meaning different from the ones used in the rest of the world. It is known that this deck probably arrived in Brazil around the 19th century, with the arrival of the Portuguese Royal Family in Brazil, increasing the cultural exchange between Brazil, England and France. There is no evidence of any connection between this deck and the Roma population, thus there is no explanation for its name in Brazil being established as “Gipsy Cards”.

In general, some of the Brazilian meanings attributed to the cards are related to Orixás; Gods from Afro Brazilian religions. The cards have their meaning based on historical and cultural characteristics for certain Umbanda Gods and entities. The exception to this rule is card number 2, portrayed in the European school by the figure of a four-leaf clover that symbolizes luck and good omens, and card 36, “The Cross”, which while in the European school is a card for sacrifice, in the Brazilian school its meaning speaks of triumph over all misfortunes. “The Bear” #15, “The tower” #19 and “The book” #26 are the other exceptions of cards with different meanings in Brazil but with no connection to any religious symbolism.

In short, it seems that the difference between the two schools comes from the fact that the  Lenormand European meanings used for divination purposes, are the result of a board game that portrayed everyday situations in 18th century Europe . Whereas the Brazilian meanings come from a strong religious and mystical influence very prominent in 19th century Brazil.

How do I identify the difference from one to the other.

The most striking difference is in card number 2, “The clover”, portrayed in the European school by the figure of a four-leaf clover that symbolizes luck and good omens. In the Brazilian school, card #2 shows a picture of logs blocking the path, thus meaning “overcomable obstacles”. And card #36, “The Cross”, which while in the European school is a card that signifies sacrifice, in the Brazilian school its meaning speaks of triumph over all misfortunes.


This material bellow is part of my lecture given on January 28, 2023 on the differences between Brazilian and European “schools” for the meanings of the Petit Lenormand Cards.

Picture of Divamar Cavalcanti
Divamar Cavalcanti

Therapist and Tarot Expert

With 30+ years' expertise in Petit Lenormand & Thoth Tarot, I blend therapeutic insights with cartomancy for personalized readings that resonate deeply. Unveil transformative guidance and empowerment through each card.

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