The word “self-knowledge” has become at this point, like so many others, a label. A label for a product that sells quickly and in bulk, at a time when people are so desperate and tired that they will cling to any solution, no matter how abstract it is. As long as this “product” can bring a quick solution, that is guaranteed by the “authority” who is selling it; you will be leaded towards the purchase, believing that it will ease your suffering. Each one of us, are unique and extremely diverse within our personalities and behaviors. Do you want to learn more about yourself? Good! But have you thought in what angle of yourself are you interested in to go deep inside right now? The point is that, just as the Tarot has 22 Major Arcana, you are going to have at least a thousand more different angles within yourself, than 22 cards can portray. Which side within one of these 22
Arcana do you want to observe and find in your behavior? Which side of you will be chosen to be observed and studied? Is it going to be the side of you as a professional? Or is it going to be you as a daughter, student or even a friend? If selfknowledge is the topic, be aware and question the person and the process, as if you were a 5 year old child that is curious about the stars. This is the moment to really being annoying. Ask to the “seller” what that expression really means and what real benefit you will get out of it. No longer settle for “labels” created specifically with the intent to convince you that something is good for you. Question who is offering you the service and most of all, question yourself why do you want to start a process of observation of your thoughts, emotions and behavior. This is your first step in the selfknowledge process, to be aware of why do you want go deep inside your darkness.